It’s not so much a hobby…

12377941_1647235615528555_9173395950882087030_o…and more like I sold my soul to Los Bastardos, the longest-running Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast in DFW. All for the low price of a tremendous amount of stress!

I’m kidding. Well, sort of.

The hobby I devote the most time to is my part in the live shadowcast that we put on each month. I am a Transylvanian (the header on my blog makes much more sense now, huh?), and have been since about August of 2015.

transie thing

So what does that mean?

I am a mean, behind-the-scenes prop-setting machine.

The Transylvanians (or Transies, for short) are responsible for being the set, background and even some of the props in the show. We hold trees and smack Janet around with them during “There’s A Light” (and even do a fun little flashlight dance during the chorus). We hold sheets and flashlights during the bedroom scenes to silhouette Brad, Janet and Frank N. Furter for the audience. We do a little bit of everything, in almost every scene.

The film is a cult classic and draws a lot of devotees. The audience at Rocky is encouraged to cheer, yell out “call-back” lines and when the time comes (and it will come), they are pulled into the aisles of the theater to do the Time Warp along with us. The audience has to be one of my favorite parts of being a Rocky performer.

However, I have really come to love Rocky Horror for the community. The people I have met through Rocky have become like a family to me, with Madame Leah (a Director) and Alex-dad (a Founder) at the head. They boost us up when we’re worried about a show, and always remind us “We are still the best, in case you forgot.”

Don’t worry, guys. I’ll never forget.

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